Last updated: 2017-09-11

Code version: c976020

Data import

# function: readConversionChart
# The purpose of this function is to store the chart 
# for converting the myfitnesspal entries into food groups,
# types etc. It removes the columns regarding number of entries, date
# and entries
# parameters: full path name for conversion chart
# assumptions: file is in correct format with correct column names

readConversionChart <- function(filepath){
  # import the conversion chart and remove the uneccesary columns
  conversion.chart <- read.delim(filepath,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  conversion.chart$num_entries <- NULL
  conversion.chart$Entries <- NULL
  conversion.chart$date <- NULL
  ## Convert Description to description in conversion chart so names match
  names(conversion.chart) = c("description","","food","species","additional_desc" )

# function: readMyFitnessPal
# The purpose of this function is to store all myFitnessPal
# entries into a single dataframe names food_data. It adds
# a category column if this is missing in the file (old files)
# parameters: path storing .csv files in myFitnessPal Format
# assumptions: all files in folder are myFitnessPal Format

readMyFitnessPal <- function(food.path, conversion.path){
  # read in food logs
  food_data = read.csv(food.path)
  food_data$calories = as.numeric(food_data$calories)
  # import the conversion chart and remove the uneccesary columns
  conversion.chart <- readConversionChart(conversion.path)
  ## Convert Description to description in conversion chart so names match
  names(conversion.chart) = c("description","","food","species","additional_desc" )
  merged <- merge(food_data, conversion.chart)

# Function: readSingleDexcom
# The purpose of this function is to read in blood sugar readings
# from the Dexcom continuous glucose monitor and store the data in 
# a data frame. It separates the glucose and meter values

# reads old folder from Summer 2015

# parameters: full path name for glucose file, name of data frame
# assumptions: raw data files from dalia

readDexcomFile <- function(filepath){
  # Read in the glucose data
  all_sugar <- read.table(filepath, fill = TRUE, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # remove columns with "low" glucose and convert to numeric
  all_sugar = all_sugar[all_sugar$GlucoseValue != "Low",]
  all_sugar = all_sugar[all_sugar$GlucoseValue != "High",]
  # pull out the glucose and meter values
  glucose <- all_sugar[,3:5]
  glucose$DisplayTime <- mdy_hm(paste(glucose$GlucoseDisplayDate,glucose$GlucoseDisplayTime,sep = " "))

  # Convert glucose values into numeric values
  glucose$GlucoseValue = as.numeric(glucose$GlucoseValue)

  # assign names to data frames in the global name space


# Funciton: readTravelLog
# ------------------------------------------
# The purpose of this function is to read the travel 
# dates into a dataframe and format the dates into datetime

# parameters: path name for the travel dates file
# assumption: file in the correct format

readTravelLog <- function(filepath){
  travel_dates <- read.table(filepath,header = TRUE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # convert to time
  travel_dates$ = mdy_hm(paste(travel_dates$Depart.Date,travel_dates$Depart.Time, sep = " "))
  travel_dates$ = mdy_hm(paste(travel_dates$Arrive.Date,travel_dates$Arrive.Time, sep = " "))

Annotation functions

markGlucosePeaks <- function(glucose, spikeCutOff = 30, minSpike = 120){
  # Add new rows
  glucose$peak = c(rep(0,nrow(glucose)))
  glucose$timeChange = c(rep(0,nrow(glucose)))
  glucose$glucoseChange = c(rep(0,nrow(glucose)))
  # Initialize the min and max values
  minIndex = 1
  minValue = 300
  maxIndex = 1
  maxValue = 0
  # for each of the rows
  for (i in 2:(nrow(glucose)-1)){
    # set the glucose values for comparison
    previousGV <- glucose$GlucoseValue[i-1]
    currentGV <- glucose$GlucoseValue[i]
    nextGV <- glucose$GlucoseValue[i+1]
    ## if the glucose value is missing, skip
    if ({
    # Height of the peak is the current value minus the last minumum
    # glucose$timeChange = glucose$GlucoseDisplayTime[i] - glucose$GlucoseDisplayDate[lastPeak]
    glucoseChange = currentGV - minValue
    # if it is a glucose spike
    if (currentGV > previousGV & currentGV > nextGV & glucoseChange > spikeCutOff & currentGV > minSpike){
      # mark that you found a peak and  set the height of the spike
      glucose$peak[i] = "max"
      glucose$glucoseChange[i] = as.numeric(glucoseChange)
      # We found a max, so can safely store last min value as a min
      glucose$peak[minIndex] = "min"
      # the drop in glucose is the current min minus the previous max
      glucose$glucoseChange[minIndex] = as.numeric(minValue - maxValue)
      # glucose$timeChange[minIndex] =  glucose$DisplayTime[minIndex] - glucose$DisplayTime[maxIndex] ### BUG: gives different units
      glucose$timeChange[minIndex] = as.numeric(difftime(glucose$DisplayTime[minIndex],glucose$DisplayTime[maxIndex],units="mins"))
      # Set this as the last maximum found
      maxIndex = i
      maxValue = currentGV
      # glucose$timeChange[i] = glucose$DisplayTime[maxIndex] - glucose$DisplayTime[minIndex]
      glucose$timeChange[i] = as.numeric(difftime(glucose$DisplayTime[maxIndex],glucose$DisplayTime[minIndex],units="mins"))
      # begin the search for the next minimum
      minValue = 300
    # Check whether this is a minimum
    if (currentGV <= minValue){
      minValue = currentGV
      minIndex = i
  # return the adjusted dataframe

addDietaryFeatures <- function(food.times, food.logs){
  # extra weird things
  meals <- c("breakfast","lunch","dinner","snack")
  food.times$recorded_time <- mdy_hm(paste(food.times$Date, food.times$TIME, sep = " "))
  # create features of interest
  food.times$calories <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$carbohydrates <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$sugar <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$glycemicIndex <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$AM <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$fruit <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$grain <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$inulin <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$banana <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$wine <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$last_meal_TIME <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$meal_timing <- rep(0,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$foods <- rep(NA,nrow(food.times))
  food.times$groups <- rep(NA,nrow(food.times))
  ## for each item with a time stamp
  for (i in 1:nrow(food.times)){
    # find items for that day <- food.logs[which(food.logs$entry_date == food.times[i,]$Date),]
    # pick all items for that meal
    if (food.times[i,]$Food %in% meals){ <-[which(tolower($category) == food.times[i,]$Meal),]
      # if there is another entry for the meal (ie rasp = breakfast and breakfast = breakfast)
      # Remove that entry from the bulk meal calculation
        # find all entries for that day and specific meal
        extra_entry <- food.times[which((food.times$Meal == food.times[2,]$Meal) & (food.times$Date == food.times[2,]$Date)),]
        # the extra entry is the one where "Food" is not described as a meal
        extra_entry <- extra_entry[!(extra_entry$Food %in% meals),]
        # pick the food entries that do not include that entry <-[!($description %in% extra_entry$description),]
    # if there are multiple descriptions listed
    else if (length(unlist(strsplit(food.times[i,]$description, ","))) > 1){
      ## split the food items and look for all of them
      items = unlist(strsplit(food.times[i,]$description, ",")) <-[which($description %in% items),]
    # if there is only a single item
    else {
      ## pick the meal with the right description and right meal <-[which($description == food.times[i,]$description),]
      # some entries may have double items for a day... which will cause an issue, but the meals
      # may not match, so just take the first entry <-[which(tolower($category) == food.times[i,]$Meal),] <-[1,]
    # if the entry contained inulin fiber, check yes
    if("Inulin Fiber" %in%$description){
      food.times$inulin[i] = 1
    # if the entry is in the morning
    if(food.times$AM_PM[i] == "am"){
      food.times$AM[i] = 1
    # pick the food groups for each item
    groups <- unique(unlist(sapply($,function(x) strsplit(x,","))))
    food.times$groups[i] <- paste(groups,collapse = ",")
    if ("grain" %in% groups){
      food.times$grain[i] = 1
    if ("fruit" %in% groups){
      food.times$fruit[i] = 1
    # pick the food for each item
    foods <- unique(unlist(sapply($food,function(x) strsplit(x,","))))
    food.times$foods[i] <- paste(foods,collapse = ",")
    if ("bananas" %in% foods){
      food.times$banana[i] = 1
    if ("wine" %in% foods){
      food.times$wine[i] = 1
    # If its not the first item in the food time log
    if (i > 1){
      # last meal is the last entry in the food log 
      food.times$last_meal_TIME[i] = difftime(food.times[i,]$recorded_time, food.times[i-1,]$recorded_time, units = "mins")
    # Set the values for each of the predictors
    food.times$calories[i] = sum($calories, na.rm = TRUE)
    food.times$carbohydrates[i] = sum($carbs, na.rm = TRUE)
    food.times$sugar[i] = sum($sugar, na.rm = TRUE)
    food.times$glycemicIndex[i] = sum($sugar, na.rm = TRUE) - sum($fiber, na.rm = TRUE)

associateFoodAndCGM <- function(glucose.peaks,{
  # gluose_spikes contains the dates that are in both glucose and food.time
  # Find time window for the response (current time - timeChange - 30) using display time
  glucose.peaks$windowMin <- glucose.peaks$DisplayTime - minutes(glucose.peaks$timeChange) - minutes(30)
  # convert columns to date-times for comparison$recorded_time <- mdy_hm(paste($Date,$TIME,sep= " "))
  # add feature columns
  glucose.peaks$calories <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$carbohydrates <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$sugar <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$glycemicIndex <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$AM <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$fruit <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$grain <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$inulin <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$banana <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$wine <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$last_meal_TIME <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$meal_timing <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$foods <- rep(NA,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$groups <- rep(NA,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  glucose.peaks$diversity <- rep(0,nrow(glucose.peaks))
  for (i in 1:nrow(glucose.peaks)){
    # pull out the response window max and min
    window_max <- glucose.peaks$DisplayTime[i]
    window_min <- glucose.peaks$windowMin[i]
    # pull out the predictors for that day and time window
    predictors <-[which($Date == glucose.peaks$GlucoseDisplayDate[i]),]
    predictors <- predictors[which(predictors$recorded_time > window_min & predictors$recorded_time < window_max),]
    # If there is food recorded in that window, copy the food data over to glucose.peaks
    #if (nrow(predictors) > 0){
    glucose.peaks$calories[i] <- sum(predictors$calories, na.rm = TRUE)
    glucose.peaks$carbohydrates[i] <-sum(predictors$carbohydrates, na.rm = TRUE)
    glucose.peaks$sugar[i] <- sum(predictors$sugar, na.rm = TRUE)
    glucose.peaks$glycemicIndex[i] <- sum(predictors$glycemicIndex, na.rm = TRUE)
    glucose.peaks$AM[i] <- min(1,sum(predictors$AM, na.rm = TRUE))
    glucose.peaks$fruit[i] <- min(1,sum(predictors$fruit, na.rm = TRUE))
    glucose.peaks$grain[i] <- min(1,sum(predictors$grain, na.rm = TRUE))
    glucose.peaks$inulin[i] <- min(1,sum(predictors$inulin, na.rm = TRUE))
    glucose.peaks$banana[i] <- min(1,sum(predictors$banana, na.rm = TRUE))
    glucose.peaks$wine[i] <- min(1,sum(predictors$wine, na.rm = TRUE))
    glucose.peaks$last_meal_TIME[i] <- mean(predictors$last_meal_TIME, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## combine the food groups just to carry them over for additional information
    groups <- unique(unlist(sapply(predictors$groups,function(x) strsplit(x,","))))
    # define diversity as the number of food groups sampled
    glucose.peaks$diversity[i] = length(groups)
    glucose.peaks$groups[i] <- paste(groups,collapse = ",")
    # also combine the foods consumed in that hour to have the infor
    foods <- unique(unlist(sapply(predictors$foods,function(x) strsplit(x,","))))
    glucose.peaks$foods[i] <- paste(foods,collapse = ",")

Timezone and travel functions

# Function: markTimeZones
# ----------------------------------------------
# The purpose of this function is to mark the time zone
# of each dexcom glucose reading based on Travel Dates and Flights
# The timezone is stored in an extra column

# parameters: 3 data frames -- dexcom CGM data, travel dates, timezone codes
# assumptions: files in correct format
# native timezone is PDT
# date format is yyyy-mm-dd 

markTimeZones <- function(time_glucose, travel_dates,{
  # convert the display time to mdy_hm time
  time_glucose$DisplayTime = ymd_hms(time_glucose$DisplayTime,tz = "America/Los_Angeles")
  time_glucose = time_glucose[!$DisplayTime),] # 2016 march 13 fails to parse
  # add extra columns
  time_glucose$TimeZone  <- "PDT" 
  # set last arrival time to be before any dates in glucose data
  last_arrival = mdy_hm("12/22/2013 12:43",tz = "America/Los_Angeles")
  current_TZ = "PDT"
  i = 1
  ## Mark all glucose data with the correct time zone
  for (i in 1:nrow(travel_dates)){
    # convert departure and arrival time to pacific time
    depart_time <- force_tz(travel_dates$[i],[$abbreviation == travel_dates$Depart.TZ[i],]$R_code)
    departure_pacific <- with_tz(depart_time,"America/Los_Angeles")
    arrive_time <- force_tz(travel_dates$[i],[$abbreviation == travel_dates$Arrive.TZ[i],]$R_code)
    arrival_pacific <- with_tz(arrive_time,"America/Los_Angeles")
    # The time between last arrival and current departure is in the last departures time zone
    stay <- time_glucose[(time_glucose$DisplayTime > last_arrival & time_glucose$DisplayTime < departure_pacific),]
    if(nrow(stay) > 0 ){
      time_glucose[which(time_glucose$DisplayTime > last_arrival & time_glucose$DisplayTime < departure_pacific),]$TimeZone = current_TZ
    # mark in flight times as "in-flight"
    flight <- time_glucose[which(time_glucose$DisplayTime >= departure_pacific & time_glucose$DisplayTime <= arrival_pacific),]
    if (nrow(flight) > 0){
      time_glucose[which(time_glucose$DisplayTime >= departure_pacific & time_glucose$DisplayTime <= arrival_pacific),]$TimeZone = "flying"
    # reset the current timezone and last departure_pacific
    last_arrival = arrival_pacific
    current_TZ = travel_dates$Arrive.TZ[i]
  # return the data frame with a new column noting the current time zone

removeTravelDates <- function(all_glucose, travel_path, TZ.path){
  # Read in travel log
  travel_dates = readTravelLog(travel_path)
  # Read in time zone codes <- read.table(TZ.path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names( <- c("abbreviation","R_code")
  time_glucose = markTimeZones(all_glucose, travel_dates,
  # mark all the travel days
  travel_001 = time_glucose[!(time_glucose$TimeZone %in% c("PST","PDT")),]$GlucoseDisplayDate
  # Remove days with travel/flying for 001
  all_glucose = all_glucose[!(all_glucose$GlucoseDisplayDate %in% travel_001),]

Data exclusion functions

removePeaksWithoutMeals <- function(annotated.cgm.meals){
  # add column for missing food information
  annotated.cgm.meals$missing.Food <- rep(0,nrow(annotated.cgm.meals))
  annotated.cgm.meals[annotated.cgm.meals$calories == 0 & annotated.cgm.meals$glycemicIndex == 0,]$missing.Food = 1
  # print number meals removed
  # print(table(annotated.cgm.meals$missing.Food))
  ## take only the entries for which we know what he ate beforehand -- he did eat something <- annotated.cgm.meals[annotated.cgm.meals$missing.Food == 0,]

Session information

R version 3.3.3 (2017-03-06)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] backports_1.0.5 magrittr_1.5    rprojroot_1.2   tools_3.3.3    
 [5] htmltools_0.3.5 yaml_2.1.14     Rcpp_0.12.10    stringi_1.1.5  
 [9] rmarkdown_1.6   knitr_1.17      git2r_0.19.0    stringr_1.2.0  
[13] digest_0.6.12   evaluate_0.10.1

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